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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Direct Login to forms in eBusiness Suite

The usual url for login in to Oracle Application is

http://<server name>:<port>/

which most of the times gets directed to

http://<server name>:<port>/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

But for some reason or for troubleshooting purpose we may need to login directly to forms.
Below are the urls for directly connecting forms.

For 11i :-
Socket mode:- http://<server name>:<port>/dev60cgi/f60cgi
Servlet mode:- http://<server name>:<port>/servlet/f60

For R12 :-
Servlet mode:- http://<server name>:<port>/forms/frmservlet
Socket mode:- http://<server name>:<port>/OA_HTML/frmservlet

You can see the forms opening but after entering login details you may not be able to login and find the error as "APP-FND-01542: This application server is not authorized to access this database"

The reason for this is, direct forms login is disabled. To check and change that check the value for context variable "s_appserverid_authentication". You can make it ON or OFF to change the security level. SECURE doesn't allow you to login directly and gives the message as above.

Below are possible modes.
ON               :- Partial
SECURE         :- activates full server security (SECURE mode)
OFF              :- deactivates server security

Thanks for reading..!!