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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

EM Configuration issue. $ORACLE_HOME/rhel.localdomain.net_orcl not found.

Recently I installed RHEL 5 and Oracle Database 11gR2 ( on a machine. After that I installed OEM12c R2 ( without any issues.

Right after the Oracle installation, without having made any changes, I typed:
cd $OMS_HOME/bin
$ ./emctl stop oms -all

and received the following error:

EM Configuration issue. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rhel.localdomain.net_orcl not found.

I was able to correct the problem by doing the following:

ln -s localhost_orcl rhel.localdomain.net_orcl
cd $ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee
ln -s OC4J_DBConsole_localhost_orcl OC4J_DBConsole_rhel.localdomain.net_orcl

Note: If the folder localhost_orcl doesn't lie in ORACLE_HOME location, you can simply create the folder with user who owns the database.

I can now use emctl to start and stop the OMS without trouble.

But the strange question is why did the Oracle installer use 'localhost_orcl' instead of 'rhel.localdomain.net_orcl'.
The service name I specified at the 'Desktop Class' installation in the OUI was '' - it was printed already.
 I definitely did not change the host or domain name or made any changes to the hosts file, or any other changes at all

I tried to stop database and listner, than start database and listner and retest issue but still the issue persisted.

So I would recommend in environment variable file set  ORACLE_HOSTNAME variable before invoking the OUI or when you run OUI environment variable, you can specify this hostname to avoid any problem.

./runInstaller -ORACLE_HOSTNAME=myhostname.mydomain

Note:Please be sure DO NOT SET ORACLE_HOME or ORACLE_SID before starting EM12c installation.
Now you should not see this issue.

OC4J Configuration issue. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole_rhel.localdomain.net_orcl not found

For this error please try below command:

./emca -config dbcontrol db << it will ask u some questions liks sys user pass, lsnr port etc. please give correct value and retest issue

Hope this helps..!!


  1. This worked for me , BIG help

    ln -s localhost_orcl rhel.localdomain.net_orcl
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee
    ln -s OC4J_DBConsole_localhost_orcl OC4J_DBConsole_rhel.localdomain.net_orcl

  2. Thanks! The note about setting ORACLE_HOSTNAME fixed this issue for me.

  3. Great post!!! Your solution in creating the symbolic links also solves this problem on Solaris 10.

  4. You are awesome. Many many Thanks.

  5. Hello Mr Ankur;
    Sorry I am a starter and don't know much. Would you please explain me step by step in Windows how to sort this issue, as I am getting the same issue too. I have got 11G Installed, EMCTL was working fine before, but don't know what has happened to it now.
    Thanks Ankur.
    Much appreciated

  6. Worked for me as well. Thank you.
